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Results of 2015 Job Task Analysis Shape CFP Board’s Examination and Education Requirements

January 28, 2015

CFP Board's Job Task Analysis is the largest research project in the U.S. related to the body of knowledge for financial planning, and its results are used to verify and update the content of CFP Board’s examination and education requirements. Conducted every five years, in partnership with a major testing firm, this research study of the practice of financial planning incorporates a multi-method approach that involves a number of subject-matter experts, an analysis of emerging trends in the profession, and a large-scale survey of practicing CFP® professionals and educators from CFP Board-Registered Programs.

The results of the 2015 Job Task Analysis include updated lists of Principal Knowledge Topics and Financial Planning Job Task Domains. The 2015 Principal Knowledge Topics are the basis of CFP Board’s CFP® Certification Examination blueprint, effective with the March 2016 CFP® Certification Examination (non-scored pre-test questions based on the new topics will be included as early as the July 2015 CFP® Certification Examination). The 2015 Principal Knowledge Topics also serve as the curricular framework for CFP Board’s education requirement, effective August 2015, and they represent the topics CFP Board will accept for continuing education credit, effective January 2016.