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Virtual Event

Virtual Forums on CFP Board’s Sanction Guidelines and Fitness Standards

February 18, 2021

CFP Board has launched a Commission on Sanctions and Fitness to review and recommend changes to CFP Board’s Sanction Guidelines and Fitness Standards. These documents address the consequences of failing to comply with CFP Board’s Code of Ethics and Standards of Conduct. The Fitness Standards apply to those seeking CFP® certification, while the Sanction Guidelines apply to those who are certified.

The group is comprised of distinguished individuals, including members of the public, consumer advocates, individuals with regulatory experience, and CFP® professionals representing various business and compensation models. They have been charged with developing recommendations through a process that includes input from the public and the financial planning profession. CFP Board will issue the Board’s proposed revisions to the Sanction Guidelines and Fitness Standards for one or more rounds of public comment before final revisions are adopted.

To begin the Commission’s work of gathering input from the public and financial planning profession, CFP Board is hosting two virtual forums on Thursday, February 18, 2021, at 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. (Eastern).

During these interactive webinars, CFP Board’s General Counsel, Leo Rydzewski, JD, CAE, and Assistant General Counsel, William Nelson, JD, will share an overview of the Sanction Guidelines and Fitness Standards and solicit audience feedback and input. Input from the audience will be shared with the Commission members as they begin their work to review and recommend changes to these important documents.

Register for the Morning Forum (8:30 a.m. Eastern)

Register for the Afternoon Forum (5:00 p.m. Eastern)